Recent questions
asked Sep 8, 2016 in Zip Schedules by Jennifer
I am using the 30-day trial, importing and exporting is imperative. I am aware of how to import information, but can I also export the information...
1 answer
asked Aug 23, 2016 in Zip Schedules by anonymous
I am trying to request off on a Friday, but our schedule week ends on a Thursday. When I click on the Friday the dot is red and automatically...
1 answer
1 answer
asked Aug 21, 2016 in Zip Schedules by Lory
I have employees who work multiple sites. It would be helpful for them to see all of their shifts on their home schedule rather than have to check...
1 answer
asked Aug 14, 2016 in Zip POS Dashboard by Alberto
on my mobile app of Zip POS Dashboard in the main screen it shows on top of screen updated @ ....Todays Date and Time but it will only let me see...
1 answer
asked Aug 10, 2016 in Zip Schedules by anonymous
On the employee availability, I am not able to make an employee available on the half hour mark (ex. 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, etc.) Is there any...
1 answer