Hot questions
asked Jul 5, 2016 in Zip Schedules by anonymous
We have done part of our 30 day trial and would like to pay for our first month by using an American Express card. Are we able to do that? That is...
1 answer
asked Jun 19, 2016 in Zip Schedules by anonymous
On the daily schedule view, on the grey bottom bar (opposite the top bar which displays the hours of the day), my schedule suddenly stopped...
1 answer
asked Jun 10, 2016 in Zip Schedules by Rae
I would like to delete a position I created, or edit it, how do I do that? Is there a page where I can view all positions and edit them? (change...
1 answer
asked Jun 15, 2016 in Zip Clock by anonymous
Is there a way for me to be the only one seeing the employees' punches? Or are they able to see them too?
1 answer
asked Jun 15, 2016 in Zip Clock by anonymous
Does zipClock allow me to have an employee that is not tied to a schedule but is part of another job alltogether?
1 answer
asked May 27, 2016 in Zip Schedules by anonymous
I know the basics of Manager and Crew but I can't find any specific list of employee-type specific options.
1 answer